United Association Local Union 375
Plumbers & Pipefitters

Fairbanks UA Local 375

Member Login

Officers / Committee Members


President - Cody Preuett
Vice President - Domenic Monzingo
Business Manager - Clayton Bessette
Recording Secretary - Chalice Bal
Inside Guard - Lyndon Coryell

Executive Board:

Cameron Culver
Jerel Dozette
Joseph Sipes
Rodney Wolcott

Arbitration Committee:

Cameron Culver
Jerel Dozette
Joe Sipes

Examining Board:

Travis Colledge
Matthew McCarter
Ryan McGovern

Finance Committee:

Kent Brown
Luke Glesener
Aaron Kowalski

Hiring Hall:

Cameron Culver
Matthew McCarter
Josh Wolfe

Health and Security:

Chalice Bal
Domenic Monzingo

Negotiating Committee:

Chalice Bal
Ryan McGovern

Pension Fund Committee:

Bret Helms
Chalice Bal

JATC Committee:

Clayton Bessette
Travis Colledge
Joshua Wolfe

Representing 330,000 Members and over 40,000 Apprentices in the United States and Canada

Joint Apprenticeship Committee

1978 Burgess Ave.
Fairbanks, AK. 99709

Phone: 907-456-5989
Fax: 907-456-5905

Email: JATC@ualocal375.org

Union Hall

3980 Boat Street
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Phone: 907-479-6221
Fax: 907-479-6227

Email: local375@ualocal375.org

© By UA Local 375 Fairbanks Alaska. All Rights Reserved.